Commercial hand sanitizers are extremely unhealthy!  With the knowledge I have about the REAL cause of disease—toxicity—and how the body is forced to deal with it, I have a prediction: In the next 5 years we will see an increase in 30-40 year olds, now seemingly healthy, developing more chronic diseases such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.  I also believe we will see deaths increase from worsening chronic disease in the 60+ age groups. It’s also probable that younger children will develop more auto-immune disorders. The cause? All of the increased use of hand sanitizers and disinfectant spray bottles for protection from COVID-19. So how could this happen?  The skin is a major organ for absorption of toxins, and all the commercial sanitizers are generally loaded with toxins.  Rubbing alcohol is a toxin. So as we unconsciously spread more toxic solution on our skin, and breathe in the vapors from spray bottles, we put more toxins into the body that then have to be dealt with. So what is the answer? Washing your hands with soap and water is still the best way to get rid of germs. But if you really feel like you aren’t doing your civil duty avoiding hand sanitizers, MAKE YOUR OWN!. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to combat disease and you may already have oils in your home that are necessary to make your own hand sanitizer. Using essential oils with disinfectant, antiseptic and antiviral properties will allow you to create a homemade hand sanitizer with no alcohol at all.

Essential Oils to Use in Your Hand Sanitizers

Cedarwood, lavender, lemon, lemon grass, myrrh, neroli, patchouli, peppermint, rose, sandalwood, tea tree, thyme and ylang-ylang essential oils all have antiseptic properties. Clove, niaouli and pine oils have both disinfectant and antiseptic properties. Tea tree oil is the most powerful of these essential oils and has antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties–making it the recommended essential oil to use in the following recipes. But it should not be used on infants or pregnant /nursing women. Other oils not suitable for children or pregnant and nursing women are cedarwood and hyssop. Always be careful with essential oils and consult an herbalist before using it if you have any current health conditions. Adding more tea tree oil to any recipe will make the hand sanitizer more effective but the smell can be overwhelming. A few drops of essential oils like basil, rosemary, rose, lavender, lemon or geranium will lighten and balance the aroma. If you elect to make an alcohol-based product, make sure it has an alcohol concentration of at least 60 percent so that it kills most harmful bacteria and viruses. In the recipes below, you can mix oils to suit your taste or just use one type of oil, but their effectiveness will be reduced versus using tea tree oil. One essential oil blend option which is safe for families is a combination of lavender and pine. This will create a disinfectant, antiseptic hand sanitizer with calming effects. Add a little citrus or rosemary to enhance and round out the aroma. Aloe vera gel is an ingredient in all of these recipes, Make sure this is pure aloe vera gel without the coloring, flavoring and so on. It’s not the same as juice. It should say “100% aloe vera gel” somewhere on the bottle. If it doesn’t, it’s the wrong stuff. Mix the ingredients together in a glass mixing bowl. (Plastic may take on the aroma of the essential oils and metal may react with the ingredients). Using a funnel, fill small bottles you’ve washed out with the mixture. Some more liquid recipes may need to be shaken before use to distribute the oils.

Alcohol-Free Hand Sanitizer Gel

1 cup pure aloe vera gel 1-2 teaspoons of witch hazel (add until the desired consistency is reached) 8 drops of essential oils (as listed above)

Mostly Alcohol-Free Hand Sanitizer Gel

2 cups pure aloe vera gel 2 tablespoons 90% SD40 alcohol or witch hazel 2-3 teaspoons essential oils (as listed above)

Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizers

1/4 cup pure aloe vera gel 1/4 cup grain alcohol or vodka 10 drops essential oils (as listed above)