It’s time for a new paradigm. Hey, that could be our slogan or bumper sticker. Forest Gump, move over. But joking aside, the 150 year old experiment with pharmaceutical medicine needs to come to an end. What have we learned from this experiment?

  1. Pharmaceuticals don’t cure anything. Why should a pharmaceutical company create a drug that cures? It wouldn’t be needed after a while. It is much more realistic to use drugs that maintain disease, so that once a person is on it, it will continue for life.
  2. Current western medicine treats the symptoms instead of the cause. Cause is never an issue, and the search for a cause is not taught in medical school. Instead, you just prescribe a drug that covers up the symptoms. Again, that makes the person dependent on the drug for life—to the advantage of the pharmaceutical company, not the patient.
  3. When the cause of a disease is not addressed, the body increases its messaging that something is wrong (i.e. tolerance). That creates the need to increase dosages or add a second, third, or even fourth drug—which only benefits the pharmaceutical company.

Why has this been allowed to continue for 150 years?

Medical schools are basically run by the pharmaceutical industry. Doctors-to-be are only taught pharmaceuticals, so that is all they know. Pharmaceutical companies pay for the trials that are done in the research labs. When something that actually cures a disease is identified, the pharmaceutical industry purchase the rights to the product, and then squelches it in the marketplace. When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And when the hammer doesn’t work, the doctor simply gives up, saying “There’s nothing that will help that.”

Will the medical establishment change this paradigm? Of course not. They have been brainwashed through their training by the pharmaceutical industry. So how do we effect change?

Changing the Paradigm is Possible

There are medical practitioners who do get to the cause and cure disease. These modalities were made illegal by the political finagling of the American Medical Association in the early 1900’s. Several of them have re-emerged as medical choices now, and even have insurance acceptance. Doctors of Osteopathy are even accepted now in the same regard as Doctors of Medicine. But they had to lower their standards to achieve that. However, the most healing, disease-curing modalities of treatment are still prevented from practice in most states, due to the collusion between the government and conventional medical doctor associations. This includes homeopathy and naturopathy.

As a conventionally-trained Medical Doctor, educated in a standard pharmaceutically-based medical school, but with experience in natural medicine and self-training in the applications of getting to the cause of disease, Question mark in headI have the obligation to show how conventional medicine is hurting our citizenry, and get them to open their eyes to REAL health and wellness. It can be achieved. But it will take people putting that big question mark in their head—Is There a Better Way? Because there definitely is.

How Do We Start?

The easy way to start is to legalize natural medicine practitioners in every state and add treatment by such to be covered by insurance. That will take action on the part of citizens to evoke change. Hopefully, if people are interested, they will bring knowledge to their community though having me speak. I welcome the opportunity to spread the knowledge of healing.

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