MP4 Video

Videos in MP4 format that can be viewed on Google Drive or downloaded.

Medical Disclaimer: 

Content on this website is for informational purposes only. We are not diagnosing or treating any type of disease or medical condition. It is not intended to substitute for medical treatment or diagnosis. Consult your health care provider if you are experiencing any symptoms and before beginning any type of natural, integrative, or conventional treatment regimen. By using any or all of this information, you do so at your own risk. No warranties are expressed or implied. Any application of the material provided is at the reader’s discretion and is his or her sole responsibility.

Linda Cheek, MD

6621 Williamson Rd, #7715
Roanoke, VA 24019

Envigorating, life-changing, history-creating thinker/doer.  Be a part of the change you want to see in the world.

© 2020 Linda Cheek, MD.